
Petrol strike?

by  |  earlier

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i heard there will be a petrol strike in the uk which will last for about 1 month is this true?




  1. hope so i wont have to go to work

  2. so they say starting next the south mainly

  3. It surely is only a matter of time WE ARE SO RIPPED OFF HERE!!

  4. Kind of. There is to be strike action at a huge refinery in Scotland, which will have to be shut down for the duration of the strike. As of Friday petrol supplies will be affected, mainly Scotland and North England but possibly the rest of the country too. Estimates say the supply will be short for a month or so.

  5. I hear this nonsense every week....I'm still waiting for it to happen.

  6. The staff and unions at one of the biggest processing plants in Scotland are unhappy about something - don't know what - anyway to make the management listen they are threatening to go on strike, for approximately 2 weeks, and if they do it will be a month before everything gets back to normal.

    If they do go on strike, fuel is likely to be transported from England, resulting in shortages down here.

  7. friday 25th in the southwest i thought its only 1 day but not sure! im all for it its time something was done keep up the good work everyone thats involved

  8. Yep,

    Scotland and North east will be affected

    Not as above answer stating south ?

    Where is the North South divide ?

  9. Yes Joanne, there is a dispute over pensions at the Grangemouth plant in Scotland. if it goes ahead there will be shortages across Scotland and N  England. Nothing to do with price i'm afraid

  10. Hope so, Its for the people.

  11. I don't think so, but if it brings the price back down I would support it 100%
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