
Pets? Guinea pigs... rabbits? frustrating?

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I have done what every person should do before they buy a pet... and it isnt paying off. I have done so much research about different pets, but nothing seems to be right! Can any one tell me things about guinea pigs? If you know of any animals that are small... not too smelly and preferably a mammal that would help too. My mom doesnt want me to get a rat... Bunnies are adorable but smell too much to be kept in my room... chinchillas are WAY too much money... i cant seem to find something just for me! I have fish but... you cant hold them or play with them. I want the responcibility of having a pet, and i want the feeling you have when you bond with one too. If any one could give me ideas!?!??! or info on guinea pigs or girbils from experience or from online that would be great! <3 thanx





  1. guinea pigs

  2. I recommend a rabbit definitely. They don&#039;t smell much! Guinea pigs smell more than rabbits n if you want to keep it in your room, be warned; guinea pigs squeak a lot! rabbits don&#039;t make a noise at all n theire droppings aren&#039;t hard to clean off n don&#039;t stink much.


  3. i have two bunnies and they are soo cute! they dont smell because i keep them outside in a hutch

  4. i have had a guinnea pig, a hamster and a gerbil, guinnea pigs are constantly eating and most of the time they die of obesity, the little PIGS will eat anything they can get their hands on, although they look cute and smell, not too bad, they squeel  and are making weird and scary noises all the time.

    Hampsters are cute and furry. they can be trained to go to the bathroom in certain areas.mine was named cinnimon, and we trained her to walk through this little doll house and retrieve her treats. the only problem with hamsters is they get really chubby. lol

    Gerbils are cute and furry, but they are energetic, and try to get out of their cages a lot! mine was an albino named sugar, and he was crazy! he never was able to be held, except for his ball, and in that there was no control of him, he was a hastle to get out of his cage when we wanted to hold him orclean his cage...

    i would get a hamster, they smell VERY little and they are fun and you can play with them. just dont get a wheel that will squeek trust me!

  5. rabbits are harder to littertrain and they will smell *unless* neutered or spayed.  they can also spray urine (both males and females will do this.)  it does not sound as if you are ready for the responsibility of a rabbit.  i can tell you from personal experience they require as much care as a cat or dog, and are just as expensive (i spend approx. 150 dollars a month on food, litter, hay, and vet care for two rabbits.)  good luck.

  6. I wrote this to answer anoher question, but it works here too!

    It truly depends on whether you want a pet that you cannot really handle (mice), a very shy and secluded pet (hamster), a very loud and messy pet (guinea pigs), or a an adorable, yet needy pet (bunny). Mice are not really people friendly and neither are hamsters. They do not like to be constantly picked up, and they really do not have any personalities. Hamsters sleep all day long; you really cannot do anything with them. Guinea pigs are adorable, but they make very loud noises. Also, they make a huge mess. They cannot be potty-trained and they will use the bathroom absolutely everywhere! Rabbits need constant attention, as they can get depressed easily. However, they do not make huge messes and they are super easy to potty train (put Yesterday&#039;s News Litter in the potty and no where else. Give them treats when they go on the potty. You can look up exact directions online. Here is a link that I found.

    The litter I recommended is fragrance free, so that they do not get a rash. It is also used for cats.) Bunnies are the most loving animals and I often sit my bunny on my lap as I watch TV and play with her for hours. She knows not to use the bathroom while I am holding her. If you get a bunny rabbit, I would sugget putting the cage on a high table. Then putting another table out so she can constantly be free to roam. I never shut my bunny&#039;s cage, even though she used to jump off the table in very beginning. You can end that habit by not giving them extra treats. I would say rabbits are the best pet because they are like dogs, minus all the mess. However, you need to spend lots and lots of time with a rabbit!! They are so adorable though!

    **Guinea pigs smell 100 times worse because they use the bathroom everywhere! Bunnies will use a potty and you can control the smell. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, wreak! Hamsters make the room smell like urine! I would say bunnies smell the least out of all the animals.It is a fact that they are the cleanest house pets. They clean themselves a great deal!

  7. hamsters are great pets. I have 1 syrian hamster and he is great. what you need for them is a ten gallon tank or larger(about $10), water bottle(about $5), Food bowl (about $2), running wheel (about $5), Bedding(you could use care fresh or aspen i use aspen it is much cheaper than carefresh and it works the same a carefresh) You will need to change your hamsters cage about 1 a week. One bag of bedding lasts about 3 changes. You will neeed to buy hamster food (with sunflower seeds in it) and also you might want to get some toys for your hamster also. Here are some good websites about syrian hamsters:

    Good luck hope i helped!

    (i posted the links of the diffrent beddings to help you)

  8. guinea pigs are way less high-maintenance than rabbits. As long as you clean their cage they don&#039;t smell, and they&#039;re really cute and can be pretty friendly as long as you get them as babies and play with them enough.

    having said that, I had a rabbit that lived in my room, just had to clean his box every couple of days so he didn&#039;t smell.

    good luck!

  9. Guinea pigs are not only small and cuddly, but fairly smart and trainable-if you invest the time.

    They DO get attached, which is a rewarding feeling...and can be trained to use the litter when allowed out of their cage. They will come when called (with proper training) and will often be inclined to following their beloved owner around.

    As far as smell goes, they are in league with rabbits. If you use proper bedding (I&#039;ve found pine chip bedding much cleaner than cedar) the smell is minimal. You usually only have to scoop out wet bedding and save the complete cage cleaning for once a week to two-depending on the pet and whether or not you can find a water bottle that doesn&#039;t leak.

    I adored my guinea pigs when I was younger and they were so affectionate back. One of them even gave kisses, by raising her little nose on command and moving her lips. They are awesome little critters...much better than rats or rabbits.

  10. i think for you cuz this is your first pet get a guinea pig i remember wen i was little i got my first guinea pig me and my older sister did too. hers was coco and mine was snowy at first we had them in the same cage thingy but then they kept having babies so we had to separate them they can be a lot of responsibility but not as much as a dog or cat i would definitely recommend a guinea pig as the first just get a buddy make sure it is not a boy and a girl unless you really want the babies. if it&#039;s a boy and boy then OK same with girls. trust me they are awesome and just great

  11. Guinea pigs are amazing animals, they dont smell but they do need a lot of care. They have to have fresh water,veggies,and food each day. They are very communative and a very compatible animal. They are so fun to play with and a fun animal to have. From experience I would get two thought because if you only have one it becomes very dominant and will be mean but if you get two they are much nicer. If you do get two make sure they are both boys or both girls unless you want babies.

  12. Go for the guinea pig. They will give you the responsibility, they are not as smelly as a lot of others, and they&#039;re really cute :)! Make sure you get one with short hair though, if you do get one, because the long hair is just annoying, and it gets everywhere.


  13. I had Guinea Pigs as a child and to me they were the perfect pet. Small enough for little hands to hold and love. Taught me about caring for a pet - cleaning the cage, changing the water, feeding correctly etc. And they didn&#039;t take up a lot of room - just a small enclosure with an extended run which we moved around the back yard.

    Here is a link which discusses the requirements of caring for a Guinea Pig...

    There are different varieties of Guinea Pigs. Here is a link which shows somes of the types of Guinea Pigs you can buy...

    For me they are an ideal pet. Good luck with your decision,


  14. I use to own guinea pigs and they were great. It was almost like having a little cat that you keep in a cage. As long as you change the cage regularly it shouldnt get stinky. The only bad thing about them is their life span is only like 3-5 years.

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