
Pets can sense how you are feeling

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Does anyone else agree with me here?

I 100 percent believe that pets can sense how you are feeling. This morning I was upset and freaking out over something (i thought there was something seriously wrong with me, little did I know it was a side effect of Pepto Bismol) and I was crying when my 12 week old kitten jumped on my lap started kissing me and nuzzling me and was purring away and would not leave me alone. I firmly believe he knows I was upset and something was bothering me. Has anyone had an experience like this with their pets? If so please share your story.




  1. Yes I agree!! My dogs will cuddle with me when I am not feeling well or sad about something.  Unfortunately it can get on my nerves. But I still love them.  

  2. yes i agree with you. Im am going through a rough time ttc and I get very emotional. I tried to cry it all out when my husband isnt home and my cat can not only hear me but knows that IM uspet. Sometimes shell come and give me kisses and keep me company as well

  3. I agree.

    Sometimes when I'm sad my guinea pigs start to clime on my lap and squeal. I beleive that they know I am sad.

  4. I agree my dog starts l*****g me when I'm sad and gives me rashes by l*****g so much

  5. I strongly agree with you! pets do sense their owner's feelings. I also believe we can sense their feelings, if we try to communicate with them telepathically. don't think I'm crazy! I have proof!!! you see humans have lost most of the amazing abilities that their minds possess, because they don't practice them! if we try to concentrate and send a message to our animal friends we might just hear a reply! I want you to sit down with your cat, close your eyes and try to send your pet a mental message. If you keep your eyes open you might get distracted. try to feel / sense what your cat is saying. the first thing that comes into your mind is usually the correct message from your pet. I have been practicing telepathy for a while and i have had positive experiences.

  6. Was it the colour of your tongue or poo? Pepto Bismol makes your tongue and poo dark.

    ...Just wondering.

    Anyway, I don't think so. I mean, personal opinion, please don't give me thumbs down for stating it, but my cat has never sensed when I'm upset or been very affectionate when I'm down- neither have my gerbils.

    Plus, I work in a pet shop, and none of the animals there have shown any particular...loving attitude when people are sad.

    But whatever people believe is fine, I don't want to spit on your beliefs- I just don't think the same thing.

  7. my kitten does the same thing. i was having a really bad break down one day and she just sat on my lap and cuddled on me for hours.  

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