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What are so small pets that I could get that are easy to care for and don't smell?(My mom is concerned about that last part)




  1. a chihuaha or pomeranian or shih zut or the best one a teacup yorkie!! But hate to break it to u but all dogs will smell at some point or another whether its there breath or fur because the rolled into something they shouldn't have or the biggest one thee p**p because dog p**p doesn't smell like daisies you know! lol! Well here are the links for the pics! ( maybe that ones alittle too big!)

    I recommend you get the yorkie! But there alittle expensive good luck!

    *Edit* I thought you were only asking for dogs! lol! But the hamsters and rodents are no fun...there just like decoration the bunny is pretty coll but not as good as a dog if you try out for a bunny try the orange lionhead bunny there cute and small!

  2. It all depends on the space you have available to keep a pet.  You should look at the area from the animals' point of view and animal proof it accordingly as most animals will escape at some point in their life!  No animal should smell as long as you clean it out regularly.  Once you've decided on an animal, find out what is involved in caring for them, i.e. cost of food, exercise, time cleaning out, neutering, vets bills etc.  Remember that you will be responsible for their care, your mum won't be impressed if she's left to look after the pet!

    I would personally recommend rabbits.  Rescue centres regularly look for homes for bunnies so they are cheap to buy in the first place (mine was £5!) they are usually already neutered, they are relatively cheap to look after and don't take long to clean out, they are clean animals and don't need bathed and will provide you with hours of entertainment!  The only downside to them is that they love to chew, but as long as you take time to bunny-proof your home and watch them when they are out they shouldn't be too much hassle.  Get a pair so they can keep each other company.

    Good luck!

  3. Alot of people ask this question very frequently and i dont know what makes people think ANY pet is easy to take care of. Alot of people right now said Rabbits. Rabbits are not anything near easy taking care of. And one thing also If you dont clean the area your pet is in it WILL smell. Even if its a pet fish.

  4. Well, all the fairly small rodents are decent, such as hamsters, gerbils, and rats. They won't smell depending on the bedding you use as well. If you use odor control it won't smell, for I am using it now and my hamster doesn't bother anyone in the house. Of course if you get close enough it will smell, but don't get too picky. They don't need too much money spent on them. Just a cage, chew toys, treats, and bedding. Of course food and water are needed as well. Hope this helps!

  5. i say a tea cup yorkie

  6. Well there are lizards....they don't smell they eat crickets and are very easy to take care of and fun to have.  i have six of them.

  7. Rabbits.  Very affectionate, need little space, need to only be fed once a day, and are easy to clean (provided it's a wire-bottom cage).  They also come in all different sizes and varieties so you can get virtually whatever you're looking for: from a 2lb Netherland Dwarf to a 20lb Flemish Giant.

  8. rabbits they are easy to care for and you only need to wash them 2 times a month.Plus theyre cheap and REALLY small!
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