
Petunia with issues? Don't know what it is... please read.?

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Someone gave me a petunia, it's nice and full with lots of pink flowers. I've had it for about 5 months. We just moved 2 weeks ago, before then it had no problems. Just after we moved I noticed that the leaves looked a little dry, I figured it was just from being in my car for the drive to the new house. Little by little more leaves started looking dried out. They never turned brown just kinda lighter and with some whiter sploches. They started on one side of the plant and now are everywhere. Yesterday I noticed what looks like webs on some of the flowers and leaves. Thought maybe it was a spider, but I've looked all through it and there's no bugs. It's in a pot on a table next to our door, there's no other plants near it. What could it be? And what can I do to get it healthy again?




  1. Does it still get the same lighting as at the last home?  It was thriving where it was and seems to be suffering now.  When the leaves turn pale that usually means that there's too much water.  Try and let it get to where it is just about to dry out and then water it again.

  2. It has spider mites!! if you look really closely under the leaves in the webs, you will see very tiny barely visible white things crawling around on it. They are spider mites.Many times a plant has a minor infestation of these and you wont even notice it, but if conditions are right, the population will soon become out of control..(or so it seems)

    Your best bet would be to go to your local garden center and look for an insecticide that kills mites. There are organic products out there if you're afraid of harming something else.  Make sure you spray the whole plant..tops and bottoms of leaves and flowers until it drips.  You may have to repeat the application if it is a serious infestation.

    You may want to lightly prune your petunia too..this will encourage more growth and consequently more flowers. Make sure it doesn't dry out too much..this will make for a weak plant and weak plants are easy prey to pests.

  3. sounds like a fungus infection. Try an anti-fungal wash and repot the plant. Being an annual, petunias don't live forever, five months is a long time.

  4. its an impatient and it has spider mites,u can try dish soap and h2o mixturein a spray bottle to wash it down with

  5. it's possible that in your goal to keep it from "drying out" you overwatered it and it has grown some sort of mold.  I'd put it in a really sunny place and don't water it for at least 3-4 days (petunias are extremely drought resistant and don't mind being dry, too much water can make them grow mold).  If that doesn't clear it up, i'm not sure what else to tell you.

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