
Phal ORCHID, the flowers have died what do I do with the stem?

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I have a Brother Lawrence Phalaenopsis I bought from a show back in March or April. The flowers started to drop about a month ago, the last today. It has two stems, one started to turn yellow and I cut it down to where it is still green. What should I do with them? Cut them all the way down to the leaves? I don't know all the orchid lingo like spike and node... I'm new to this. And did the flowers last as long as they should? Or did I kill it? I have been watering it about once a week, and adding fertilizer. All you experts help me out! Thanks!




  1. Those stems are what the orchid lingo folks call spikes. On a Phalaenopsis, you can cut them off once the flowers on them have dropped off. Go ahead and cut it off right next to the leafy part where it comes out of the plant. The flowers did last as long as could be expected, and next March or so, you might get a new flower stalk growing up for a new display of flowers. Watering about once a week sounds fine, that is how often I water mine. Water to let water flow freely out of the pot, I put it in the sink under the cold water  faucet for about a minute, let it drain, and put back in the window.

  2. As long as the spike is still green leave it alone.  The flowers usually last 3-5 months.  These plants love humidity so give it a misting with a spray bottle everyday if possible. Now that the flowers are gone be sure to feed it with "Orchid " fertilizer every 2nd or 3rd watering.  I put mine in the shower once a week right after I get out and let it sit in the warm humidity.  As long as it's getting at least 6 hours of bright light a day and you water and feed regularly you will probably get more blooms in about 6 months.  Don't fertilize it when it is blooming.  It's a tropical so use room temp. water and remember it likes warmth and humidity.  Good luck!!

  3. Cut them all the way off. Now is the best time to repot.

    See source for more info

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