
Phantom or raoul?

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in the musical and/or film of phantom of the opera who do you think christine should have gone with and why?




  1. Raoul.

    If Christine ended up with the Phantom, he would just end up destroying her. Raoul and Christine truly love each other.

  2. Personally, I'd say the Phantom, but I like bad boys ;)

    For Christine, she is much too virginal and naieve for the phantom, so Raoul.

  3. I *personally* prefer the Phantom, but I agree with the previous answers-Raoul is better for Christine. They love each other, truly, and Christine just wouldn't have lasted with the Phantom.

  4. Even though I personally prefer Erik, I think Christine chose the right guy before. Let's face it, Erik is insane and murderous. I like his character, because he's interesting and tragic, but even though she cared about him, Christine could never be truly happy with someone like Erik. He is basically the dark, dramatic, creepy one, and Christine doesn't want dark, dramatic and creepy. She'd rather have a normal happy life with Raoul, whom she loves and who loves her, and whom I do like--he's a great guy, loving and brave.

    I do wish that Erik could have been happy, but I can understand why Christine didn't choose him. And hey, at least he got his kiss!


  5. I like questions like these :-)

    I think a lot of us wish that Christine had chosen Erik. We know of his tragic past and the depth of his love for Christine. We feel sorry for him, and want him to get the girl so he can have happiness for once in his life.

    BUT, I think that Christine made the right choice. While I love the Phantom SO much, I think Christine made the correct choice for herself. She knew that if she chose Erik, she would live an abnormal life in a dungeon. Erik has so many insecurities and would never, ever agree to live above ground where hateful men and women could stare at his deformity. Christine belongs above ground in the light, while the Phantom can only survive in darkness. Raoul was a normal, handsome and 'safe' man who loved Christine very much.

    The Phantom of course loved Christine too, but his love was obsessive, passionate and dark...just like him. He killed for Christine, he blackmailed and murdered. The Phantom knew nothing else in his life except his instinct to survive and kill before he could be killed.

    I love the ending of Phantom because it REDEEMS Erik. He learns in the instant that Christine kisses him, what love IS and what it is NOT. He realizes what he has done to Christine and knows that he can manipulate and frighten her no longer. That is why he lets her go...he know that Raoul can make her happy in ways that he is so beautiful that the Phantom finally sees the "light", and he realizes that he loves Christine so much, he MUST let her go.

    So I think that for both the Phantom's and Christine's sake...her going with Raoul was better. Even though it broke the Phantom's heart, he has the light of love in his heart which before was only full of darkness and despair. So beautiful....

  6. Raoul. He loves her and risks his life for her.

    The phantom is crazy. He kidnaps her, kills a man, threatens to hang her finance in front of her, and pretends to be a manifestation of her dead father. Yikes. He pretty much tortures her physiologically throughout the whole play/film.
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