
Pharmaceuticals from Mexico?

by Guest32012  |  earlier

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I hear you can get vic etc from Mexico without prescription? Does anyone know the deal with this?




  1. The frontier towns still make you see a doctor.  The difference is the doctor wont ask a lot of questions.  They just want the money.  The scripts and doctor are a lot cheaper there, however getting the drugs across the border is illegal.  You can be charged with possesion of a controlled substance.

  2. You can purchase many antibiotics over the counter, in many shops and stores, for $10 (+ or -)

    I personally don't mess with it because my insurance co-pay is $10 anyway and I know the USDA standards have been met.  BUT if you were down there and got a case of Montezuma's Revenge, might not be a bad idea to pick up a bottle of penicillin...

  3. Vicodin does NOT exist in Mexico.  You cannot buy narcotic meds without a prescrition.  If you go to those border or tourist town pharmacies that SAY they sell those things, you have no idea what is actually in those pills.  No honest, reputable pharmacy sells narcotic meds without a prescription form a licensed doctor.

  4. You can't get it in my Baja neighborhood famacias without a prescription. I'd like to point out that vicodin is highly addictive and should only be used under a doctor's care.

  5. I've done it in the past & know people have done it but IDK about now. I managed to get Soma, Vicodin & some anti biotics that would have torn up my bank account in the US.

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