
Pharmacists only!!!!!!!?

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can you tell me a normal day in a life of a pharamacist,

does it play well?

how many days a week you work ?

do you work in one pharmacy in more than 1 ?

hows life in a hospital pharmacy?

etc etc





  1. Well, i've just been working in the School of Pharmacy for 2 weeks and have got a lot of information on the life of a pharmacy student and then the job too.  

    There is a high demand for phamacists in hospitals - in London alone there are 30 jobs going on the NHS for pharmacist. Salaries start from 22K a year for a newly graduated pharmacist. In hospitals a pharmacist would dispence and make drugs such as reconstituting (diluting) powders for an injection or filling an infusion bag and administering it to the patient or doctor. Also advising doctors/nurses on doses, drugs... that a patient should recieve. Hospital pharmacists can work shifts alongside doctors.

    Community pharmacists work in pharmacy shops, this includes reading prescriptions, making and applying appropriate labels to the drug container. A pharmacist must know and use the legal requirements for labels and filling out manufacture forms after making a drug. This must be very accurately done ensuring all data is correct otherwise the pharmacist in charge could face prosecution for man slaughter if the patient was to die. Being a community pharmacist is good for weekend or holiday work while studying as it is useful to get to grips with the requirements and how drugs are administered. These hours can be 6 hour shifts each day for 5 days a week or other flexible hours at the weekend. Many women now choose pharmacy as a career with 60% students being female as they can start a family but still work on the weekends being community pharmacists. Which is a rare advantage compared to most jobs.

    There are also pharmacists in industry like glaxosmith and kline or Alcazeneca. work in drug companies is the best paid and most challenging. Pharmacists can work on developing a new drug on the market and running clinical trials.

    Every drug produced must be strile as it is going to be administered into a ptient. If it contains particles called pyrogens these raise the body temperature the patient can die. so, equipment and the pharmacist must limit the number of particles. This is done by gowning up in clothes that shed very little particles as they are made from synthetic fibres and sterilising equipment in an autoclave- temperatures of 170oC. Also in a sterile production suit where air flow is controlled and purified through filters.

    As a pharmacist you are at the front of public heath and you are in charge of many people's lives. This is what makes the job so rewarding but highlights the importance of being accurate and precise. There are many pharmacists in prison for man slaughter because of this.

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