
Phelp's 7th medal taken away?

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I know Phelp's 7th event race was REALLY close...and that he beat Cavic by a millisecond which is why Cavic's coach protested but is it possible that they will take his gold medal away? I'm hearing rumors that they might...




  1. no. there have been so many people who reviewed that footage already that they know 100% that phelps won  

  2. Rumors, nothing more.

  3. No, it's too late to take it away.  It was already proven dozens of times that he in fact deserves it.

  4. not true.  The officials re-looked at the footage and denied the protest.

  5. Even Cavic's coach finally agreed Phelps won.

  6. Don't worry, they can't take the medal away from him now! =)

  7. it may have been a close race but he won....someone always protests something when it comes to the olympics....they wont take his metal away....

  8. No Mafia lords won't allow it his gunning

    for 10 golds Millions is at stake for a big bet with Billionaires & Mafia

  9. cavics protest was rejected immediately.  

  10. why would they unless they have ample reasons to do so

    if it is bad sportsman's ship

  11. Don't listen to rumors.

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