
Phelps just won a record tenth Gold. Big Deal? No Big Deal?

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After-all there are many more medals available in swimming than about any other sport. I'm not saying he's not a good athlete, but if he was a super handball player he wouldn't be near as famous.




  1. Aquaman will soon have enough gold to take over the Justice Leaqueof America.

    yes i spelled it LEAQUE as in oceanography terms!

  2. BIg Deal. a gold medal is a gold medal and he is a good swimmer alone and on a team. so YES BIG DEAL

  3. Big DEALL!!! even if you were a handball player and won 10 GOLDS, u would still be famous. but the US didnt qualify for team handball.

  4. You make a very good point about there being many more medals in swimming than any other Olympic sport... and Phelps is definitely an amazing athlete... and has accomplished a lot with his tenth gold medal...

    However, I recently read an article that dubbed Phelps "The Greatest Olympian Ever" which I felt was a little unfair to many incredible athletes who aren't as famous or receiving nearly as much attention just because they cannot make "Olympic history" by winning the most medals ever... just because they are not participating in a sport that makes it possible for them to win 8 medals.

    This may seem like a big deal in swimming... but I think there are a ton of other spectacular athletes who deserve just as much attention as Phelps... and that this whole 8-medals thing is taking the spotlight away from athletes who have worked just as hard to make it to the games... I mean, we get it - he's the best swimmer out there right now!

    Also, I totally agree with you, 'tinkerpanda' ... what's more impressive is the achievements of the athletes who have made it to both the Summer and Winter games... such as Clara Hughes and Cindy Klassen, let alone medalling in both of them. This requires an incredible work ethic and an unthinkable amount of talent!

  5. very very big deal.  The man's more aquatic life form than human at this point.  very big deal.  

  6. It is a big deal, he won more golds than anyone else now.

  7. anytime you win a gold medal its a big deal, so 10 oh yeah

  8. Of course is a big deal coming from a man that is more fish than human and remember we human don't have fins or gills.

    If there ever a Justice League of America movie, Michael Phelps should be cast as Aquaman.

  9. It's a big deal alright but not a big deal to me, since swimming is one those events I find boring and least likely to watch in the Olympics.

    Edit: Tinkerpanda actually makes a really good point. There's a ton of swimming events compared basketball or soccer.

  10. Yes a big deal. 10 gold medals!!! Hes the first athlete ever to win it.

  11. not a big deal. dork is probably gonna let it go to his head and think hes all badas s now. probably gonna whine about not being invited to future olympics to see his record broken

  12. No big deal? hahah yeah right, the man is a freak and unbelievable.

    anyone who wins one deserves praise from the world for beating the best in the world, now to do that ten times and go down as the most gold medals won by anybody is a huge honour.

  13. Actually that is true - it's harder to win ten medals in a sport like, say, hockey or soccer because it's only 1 medal for each olympics.  You'd have to compete in 10 olympics!  You'd still be competing at 50 or 60 years old.

    It's easier to get 10 medals in a sport like track and swimming and diving where there are many many events - lengths, hurdles, javelin, all around where they do a little bit of everything.  Gynmastics as well - there are team medals and medals for the individual events.  For a sport like Tennis it's only singles and doubles.

    None the less, it is an impressive feat.  

    I thought the woman who won a medal at the summer AND winter olympics was really impressive.  Clara Hughes.  Bronze medallist cyclist, gold medallist speed skater.  I mean seriously.  It makes MAJOR athleticism to be god enough to medal in two VERY different sports.

  14. You've got a point there. I agree with you that a swimmer can join a variety of swimming styles.

    I think he needs to give some credits to his teammates especially those who helps him win Gold in relays. Without them, he it's impossible for him to win so many Gold medals.

    He has put in a lot effort in training. Or else, i don't think he could win so many Gold medals (all broken World Record). So he deserved some credits.

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