
Phenomenal Increase in cost of living??

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How is everyone managing with mortgage payments, fuel rises, food prices..... we are struggling big time. Any tips?




  1. Cutting back on the luxaries, (except internet) getting rid of the house phone, carpooling, stop dining out, and stop buying bottled water.

  2. Times are hard and about to get worse.

    Stockmarkets are faling daily.

    Money is not avalible to new lenders.

    Money is more expensive then ever in the past decade.

    Higher food prices have been derived from India/China where people can afford to eat meat for the first time in there lifes.

    2011 and we may see some inproovements.

  3. All of a sudden I have noticed things have become expensive.  So I am now asking myself 'do I really need this?' and mostly the answer is no, not yet.  I cut down on car use and every spare penny is put aside.  But the fridge and larder look somewhat bare  -  perhaps we were over-indulging before.  I might even manage to lose some weight.  There's always a bright side !!!

  4. Get a 2nd job ?

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