
Phil Mickelson?

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Why do so many people hate Phil? I have met him in person and he is a great guy. The media is always trying to make him look like a phony, and he isn't , he just a little annoying or so I hear.




  1. Nobody, hates Phil. Why do you say he is annoying?

  2. i also like Phil. he really is such a nice guy. I think the media is frustrated that he's not playing up to their standards. They so badly want Tiger to have a rival, and they hype him up so much. I mean look at Rory, he sucks and all he has to do is make a comment and the media is ready to call him Tiger's rival. its not even close. Phil plays the best he can, ppl hate him cuz he, along with the rest of the field, cannot challenge Tiger regularly.

  3. so just because he took a pic and signed an autograph that makes him not a phony??

    you know, i met "FONZIE" YEARS AND YEARS AGO.

    he didn't give us the time of day.  that is why i am justa regular peon...

  4. Much like the Arnie v. Jack rivalry of the 60's/70's, you've got Tiger v. Phil today; in other words, fans for each guy but not the other.

    I have nothing but great respect for Mickelson (I watched him be a lot kinder to a group of guys after a Tuesday practice round than he need to- signing autographs, and posing for a picture); unfortunately his "FIGJAM" moniker as given to him by a few jealous pros doesn't help.

    He does have that goofy smile of his, but that seems to be the case of...he has a goofy smile; it's not that he's trying to put one over on people.

    Does he have a big ego?  Yes.  Does Woods have an ego?  Good lord, yes.  All of the great players had big egos.

    Frankly, I'd take Mickelson's dopey act over Woods act (throwing clubs, profanity, and an absolute thug of a caddie) any day of the week (I volunteer as a Marshall at an event Tiger no longer plays at, to which about 99% of us say "good riddance").

    Unfortunately, Mickelson's biggest problem seems to be that space between his ears; personally I think his overall 'game' is as good as Woods, but Woods' brain is where Mickelson comes up short.

  5. It doesn't seem like he is phony. He comes across as a really nice guy. The way some other golfers should be. Some of them are real jerks to the fans, while others will take pictures with them and sign autographs and even chat for a while. I think Phil falls into the latter group.

  6. I am also a Phil fan, and I don't know anyone who hates Phil.  I think people get discouraged with Phil.  He is one of the best in the world and sometimes plays like it, but other times plays horribly and its frustrating for fans (see quadruple boggie in the US Open.)

  7. Phil reminds me of the Williams sisters sometimes.  He just has other interests than golf.  His family is very important to him, and golf is not his top priority.  

    The media and many fans of his fans really want him to challenge Tiger Woods...they want him to be a challenging number two...and maybe Phil just gives the impression that he doesn't care, which can annoy people.

    It's very hard today to be a sports professional, because it seems like image...and not everything.

  8. I have encountered Phil Mickelson several times at several different tournaments inside the player's clubhouse.  One time after the tournament was over and he played a good round, I asked him if he could take a picture with my 12 year old cousin and he kind of got upset.  

    Another time I was running out of the clubhouse and kind of bumped into him and he was very nice.  He held the door open for me and made a little joke.

    With that being said, I do think he puts on an act in front of the fans.  I have heard other players talk bad about him though.
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