
Philadelphia Phillies ace pitcher Roy Halladay goes on to disabled list – MLB News

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Philadelphia Phillies ace pitcher Roy Halladay goes on to disabled list – MLB News
The Philadelphia Phillies’ management was in real shock when doctors declared their ace pitcher Roy Halladay unfit to play any Major League game without resting six to eight weeks due to Grade 1-2 injury of his latissimus dorsi muscle.
The club immediately put him on disabled list while at the same time, the Phillies top management is still reluctant to come out in the media to declare officially all the details about Halladay’s injury and his time of potential return.
Halladay will now serve his much time in rehabilitation and his approximate time of return also could be longer than eight to ten weeks.
“We hate to have him down, but it’s not something that requires a [surgical] procedure,” assistant general manager Scott Proefrock said for Halladay untimely injury.
Halladay was injured in last week’s game against the St. Louis Cardinals. After pitching two innings, he was brought back in the locker room for initial add but later it was revealed that his slight shoulder injury is actually a Grade 3 strain.
“He’s thrown a lot of pitches. He’s 35. He’s thrown a lot of bullets. Sooner or later that catches up with you. I think he’s at the point where if he steps back a little he can still be a dominant pitcher. Even the best sometimes have to step back and regroup.
He’s got to get to a place where he feels better.” Team manager Charlie Manuel said for Halladay.   
On his recovery, pitching Rich Dubee also said on Friday, "It's possible. We'll see how he does Friday."
Halladay is a good player and now considered one of the best starters in the Phillies starting rotation. His injury has occurred at very crucial time where his presence was much needed.
He was carrying a good ERA of 3.98 along with 4-5 win loss record, 56 strikeouts and 1.15 WHIP. His above ERA shows a consistent output from his side but now his injury and more importantly his out of play from six to eight weeks will hurt the Phillies most
who were looking for a post season qualification in this year’s competition.



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