
Philadelphia park casino cocktail waitress....

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking about going to the audition but i was just wondering what you have to do and what i should wear.




  1. Wear something that shows your figure, but is NOT "S****y" for the interview.  If they want to put you in something very short/tight/skimpy for a uniform after you get the job, that is their choice (and yours).  Try something like a pencil skirt or fitted slacks or dress pants, with a fitted blouse with ONE or MAYBE two buttons open, but not not not enough to show cleavage.  This is still a job interview, so look professional when you show up.  The only reason for wearing tight-ish clothes to the interview is so they can see that you will look good in a skimpy cocktail waitress uniform if that's what the uniform is.

    Wear makeup to the interview.  Don't cake it on, no crazy colors (again, that's for after you're hired, and ask or work your way up slowly in case they don't want a ton of makeup on you), but definitely even out your skin tone and wear blush, mascara, a little charcoal, navy, or brown liner, and lip gloss at least.  I'd skip the vampy red lipstick for the interview too.  Especially during daylight hours.

    When you go for the interview they will almost definitely ask you things like weight and measurements so have these answers ready.  They may even ask you cup size, and be honest, but you can be funny (I'm a 38C... in my water bra!).  During the interview, show off your personality.  A good cocktail waitress is personable, funny, patient (because you will get your bottom pinched by the occasional drunk, and the casino does not want you assaulting the customers, they have security for that), remembers drinks - and at a casino, where they are free and you want the customers to drink as much as possible without overdoing it, you really will have to remember what they like so you can bring them another drink when they run low - BEFORE they are all the way out of alcohol!  Also, they will want to know/see that you are witty without being sarcastic or a witch, and that (drunken pinches aside) you can deflect advances, no matter how inappropriate or icky, without offending the customer.  Because it is your primary job to make sure the customer is the happier in your casino than any other, and you do that by feeding him drinks, smiles, and ego-building complements while putting up with his bull.

    Sound terrible?  That's why it pays so well.  Good luck!

    (and if they ask "Why should I hire you instead of any of the other women who want this job?", establish eye contact, smile, drop your eyes flirtatiously (keep smiling!), re-establish eye contact, widen your smile as if you are so happy the interviewer is still looking at you, as if the interviewer is some gorgeous guy you are excited is looking at you, lean in just a little and say flirtatiously "Because I will keep them here, happy, and gambling longer than any of those other girls.  I will make them happy, distracted gamblers who will leave us with their whole paycheck but will still be thinking only about how much fun they had.")

    Just a suggestion.

  2. You have to give people drinks to keep them gambling.  You have to smile, and usually be hot and/or wear revealing clothing.  You have to be able to remember what drinks are available, and be able to have dirty old men tell you they want "s*x on the beach" or "slippery nipple" without getting offended.

    It will help if you smile and sound enthusiastic.

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