
Philippine h**l?

by  |  earlier

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I don't like the Philippines. I'm Filipino but California born and raised. I honestly don't like that horrible island country. So corrupt there and the north end is way overcrowded. I don't much like Filipinos either. I wish the U.S. would restrict immigration from now on. I don't like the States getting too crowded now. How can we put a cap on immigration and how do we secure our borders from all the illegal aliens from getting in? I don't like white's either but that's another story.




  1. Wow you have issues.

    hating on you own people.

  2. WOW!  I hope you find a way to get over your hatred.  I understand that in every race there may be a certain amount of ignorant people.  Dont add to them though.  I can't speak about other races nor do I choose to because I am Filipino.  However, I understand that some Filipinos may be a bit ignorant and try to be someone they are not.  Like trying to look rich when they arent and the constant staring (I am from LOS ANGELES) instead of greeting each other.  But all we can do is to not participate in their insecurities and self-esteem issues.  I hear everyone say Filipino pride, Mabuahy, or prideful comments, but how proud are you if you dont like your people?

  3. Only when the US stops the globalization then that's the time it is close to all of the nations, races (including us the filipinos). I think that solves your resentment towards your fellow filipino.. Did you know that one of the best skilled professionals and workers were mostly filipinos? Because we simply work hard yet strive to be a better person due to the economic crisis here in Philippines. You  may have encountered some unlikely fellows.., but do not generalize your statement to all. i think YOU SHOULD EDUCATE YOURSELF MORE & MORE..

  4. There are things better left unsaid because out of the fullness of one's heart..the mouth speaks.**

  5. Well, at least you're honest.

    I can imagine that visiting the 'Old Country' must have been quite a revelation.  My brother also came back from his visit with a greater understanding of why our ancestors came here.

    Securing borders is very difficult - especially if you don't want to use draconian means like armed patrols, land mines and the like.  A more efficient scheme would be to crack down on those that employ illegals - there are fewer of them, it's harder for them to hide, and each employer nets you multiple illegal employees.  Employers are usually more responsive to the disencentives offered by the law than are those who face nothing worse than being deported to try again.  Once jobs for illegals dry up, illegal immigration would taper off.

    There are already caps on legal immigration, though - probably excessively low caps.  America currently has low fertility, and it's population will only remain stable if immigration beyond the current legal limmit continues.

  6. you can never be who you claim you are today without your roots!! grow up...

  7. Ok, so you like California is there anything else you like? You seem to be filled with alot  of hate and anger. How did you get  to be born in the USA? Were your parents illegal aliens and what if they had been restreicted from living here. Who do you get along with your famiy  and how hard is it living with yourself?

    Do you have any real friends????????

  8. Hey even if Philippines is like that, we can still get out at night and be safe. Try in the U.S. 6.00 your dead,
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