
Philippine passport renewal questions?

by  |  earlier

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*note: this is a very important question, please answer only with accurate answers.

Hi, I just applied for a new philippine passport since my passport is about to expire on November 7.

Now, I'm supposed to leave on December 16 and I just mailed my passport this previous week, October 19 to be exact. What I'm worried about is the length of time the process will take.

I'm really trying to rush the process as much as I could.

I would like to know how long the process takes, and if it's longer than 2-3weeks, I would also like to know if there's a way that I could cut it short. I really need to get my passport done by November. Thank you.

Please note that I'm applying for a Philippine passport and not a U.S. one so maybe anybody who had been in the same situation could share how he was able to resolve it. Thanks again. Any other useful information would be nice.




  1. Philippines passport do not take long, usually about 5 to 10 days,you have more than enough time to get it back, i have seen many questions like yours, and have checked on the consulate of the Philippines in the US, so the time will be okay,

    to cut it short? you should have asked this question before sending it,have you thought about sending it with a fast courier? and paid the fast courier return ?

    i would not worry about it, yes, you will have on time, hopefully you will have filled all correctly?

    today is the 24th by the end of the week you should have it back....

  2. Processing of Philippine passport only take more or less five days but the mailing could be a factor to prolong to period.

  3. I went through this with a family member 3 years ago.  It took less than 3 weeks.  The BIG, BIG hangup is that you MUST submit a certified copy of your birth certificate IF your old passport does NOT have your full middle name.  If you submit the old passport, pictures, application and money, and the old passport doesn't have the full middle name, it will significantly delay the process.

    Further, don't waste your time trying to call the consulate in Washington, DC.  They don't answer the phone and the voice mail box is ALWAYS full.  The receptionist who will answer the phone is extremely arrogant and rude.

  4. as i know renewal for NEW Philippine Passport, there's a need for personal appearance...

    a friend of mine who just applied for a passport submitted all her docs oct 18 and the passport will be

    delivered to her on Nov 20... so i think it's around 20 working days...

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