
Philippines' stand on the impending trade agreement with Japan (JPEPA)?

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Accdg. to this agreement, the Phils. will be somewhat permitted to trade its nurses to Japan in exchange of receiving the latter's industrial wastes.




  1. Remove the offensive provision on dumping of wastes in the Philippines then approve it.  The JPEPA offers lots of benefits for the Philippines including opening of trade and more opportunities for Filipinos to work in Japan.  Japan has similar agreements with other countries.  Without this agreement with the Philippines, the Philippines will not be on a level playing field compared with its neighbors with similar agreements with Japan.  Japanese market will not be as open for the Philippines and Filipinos will have less employment opportunities compared to other countries.

    If the problem is the issue on dumping of wastes, I say let us delete the provision and get on with JPEPA.

  2. This was clarified in an interview with the top Foreign Affairs officials. I haven't personally read the JPEPA but if that is the case, it will not be beneficial to us. I'd rather have low-paying job and healthy than to be in Japan, but my family is starting to mutate because of the toxic their wastes emit.

  3. i agree to JAREAH

  4. Not to pursue the agreement. Its obvious, our country is at the losing end with this agreement. We don't have to receive any body's waste because we have already so much of that in the country. If Japan won't accept nurses from the Philippines, there's more country in the globe to accept Filipino nurses, not only them.

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