
Philisophical question anyone?

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Do you think it is possible that immortality will be created within the next 30 years? I mean from a philisophical point of view, not that I seriously believe that it could but what do you think. If it was created would you opt to be immortal. I think I'd like to be immortal. Think of all the time you'd have!




  1. Yes, death is treated as a disease, and possibly in our life time will be curable.  Just got to figure out the right DNA adjustments.

  2. To philosophically "create" immortality would be rather hard, as mortality/immortality is a matter of physics, not theory.

    However, with today's technology, we can read the brain to the degree that a human with the right gear can move a computer courser and thus operate a machine - by the power of thought alone. The technology to reverse this process is already in progress, which would mean that the brain could be de-chyphered to the degree where a human brain could be downloaded to a computer. The latest estimate I saw said there is roughly probably 50 years left untill this technology would be useable, and then another few years before it becomes commercial.

    Once the brain is uploaded to a computer, the human's psyche would, for all practical pourposes, be immortal.

    Whether or not this would be a good thing, is quiet another question - but if you ever got bored, there'd always be the 'delete' botton...

  3. I definitely wouldn't choose that. I may consider cryo-freezing myself to see what the world looks like in 200 years and living the rest of my life there. Other than that though, life isn't special if it doesn't end.

  4. So you want to be the Highlander EH,What's the point in watching the end of the universe and then drifting through the black nothingness to the end of eternity,I'll be happy if i live to 70.

  5. All of mankind's advanced spiritual/religious teachers confirm this as so by the teaching that all life is eternal.  People are accustom to believing we are our physical bodies, which actually comes with an expiration date and subject temporary existence.  The spirit/soul last forever.  Even in the afterlife there is life, because there is no physical body do not make it so.  

  6.    It exist today, if you realize that the spirit is you and not the body. There is no way to preserve the body indefinitely. But the soul goes on forever.

  7. For argument's sake, I'll assume that you always have the option to take your own life if you chose to.

    In that case, then immortality would be AWESOME!!

    You would have indefinite time to go around the world and see and experience everything you couldn't in a normal lifetime.  You could read every book, travel to every corner of the earth(and galaxy!), and meet every race and culture of people there is.  It would be a fantastic adventure.  You could even decide to work towards a cure for a disease or to help mankind in some other way and know you'll eventually have all the resources or funds to do it since all it would take is time.

    Then, if at some point, you feel your life has been totally fulfilling and you no longer wish to be, you can end it at will.

    What an amazing dream.

  8. Thirty years?  Maybe not.  Within the lifetime of many people here?  Quite possibly.

    CR experiments suggest a tripling of the lifespan.  Genetic modification of adult organisms is being actively worked upon, as is the cloning of specific organs and tissues and their regrowth within a patient's body.

    Biologically speaking, a species which doesn't want to live tends to have its wish granted.  Some will opt for immortality and some will not.  Those that don't will die, and those that do will eventually be all that's left.  Those that can't hack immortality will fall by the wayside as well.

    Eventually, all that will be left are people who want to be immortal and like it.  Natural selection in action.

  9. At what cost?  Lets say in the future science has developed to the point that the human body can be extended for an indefinite period of time. All you have to do is, lets say...get 2 blood transfusions a year, multiple injections to keep the skin from sagging, bone marrow injections to keep strong, take 20 pills a day. and one Giant suppository, things like that. ( a sci-fi fan can probably think of more).

      I'm sure there would be far fewer takers if immortality took work as opposed to Magic!

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