
Philleps Exeter Academy Interview tips?

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I have applied to PEA and I was wondering if anyone could help me with questions that were asked them, or if they could give me any tips on how to do? Thank you!




  1. I don't have their exact questions to help you.  Since you did not say the position, I'll assume that it is as a special education teacher.  An aide may get similar questions.  The following are common:

    Tell us a little about yourself?

    What is your experience working with students with disabilities?

    Why did you choose this line of work?

    Why did you choose PEA?

    Why should we hire you instead of all our other applicants?

    How specifically do you work with other staff members?

    What if someone told you to do something that you did not agree with?

    What is someone told you that they did like the way you teach?

    What would you do if ....?

    What questions do you have for us?

  2. You will be asked common interview questions such as "what are your strengths and weaknesses?" and behavioral type questions that explore the required competencies, such as "tell me about a difficult problem you had to resolve'. For sample interview questions and answers go to the website below.

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