
Phillips big screen tv sometimes works other times...?

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hey evry1 im wondering if anyone knows what this could possibly be, my phillips big screen tv about 5 yrs old or so, will work the power will come on no prob we can watch movies, play video games etc, then all of a sudden out of nowhere it jus shuts off, and we cant get the power button to work on it,, is my t.v F***** or can it be fixed this has happened a few times lately ,wonderin if its a throwaway,thanks for your help, the most informative one AND POSSIBLY gets it working with a suggestion wins the points!!!





  1. is this an lcd, projection tube(etc)

  2. Well, depending on what kind of bigscreen it is (projection, DLP, LCD, PLASMA) it could be a number of things...and knowing the model# of the tv would help as well. However, I wouldn't just call it quits and replace it without knowing what's wrong with it. Check online or in the yellow pages for local repair shops. A lot of them will come to your home and check it out free of charge and will give you a rough figure of how much $$ it will cost to repair it. The fact that it shuts off completely might mean that there's an electrical short somewhere, or that it's overheating and causing the unit to shut itself off to avoid damage. Don't replace it if you don't need to, have someone check it first!

  3. Nice try Wowbango....

    You have a CRT Projection TV set I'll bet....

    And that SHUTDOWN is caused by a board called the SSB board....

    It fails REGULARLY on those TV sets and will require a TV Tech to replace it, because there are specific boards for specific models and the wrong board will not work at all ....

    The reason I know this is because you told me....

    TV starts up fine, runs fine , THEN shuts downs and you CAN'T turn it on least until it cools down a while.

    That's the MICRO on the SSB board.....

    It CAN be fixed, but if you have been WANTING a new TV set....then it might be a good time to get what you have been wanting.....

    If not, then get it repaired....

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