
Philosophical Chairs : Should a person who is infected with HIV be allowed to attend public school?

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I am teaching a class and decided to play philosophical chairs today. The question up for debate was the one stated above. These were the two most common answers:

1- All students, regardless of whether they suffer from HIV, should be allowed to attend public schools, because they deserve the same opportunities as everyone else, and should not be punished for something that they can do nothing about.

2- Students who are affected with HIV should not be able to attend public schools because they pose a health risk to other students (and) since HIV is an disease that affects the immune system they are more likely to be contaminated with other infections (colds, chicken pox, etc.) that could cause them to become even sicker.

Which argument do you agree with? Why?

(Remember this is answers provided by eighth graders)




  1. I think anyone should be allowed to attend public school regardless of any medical conditions they have. HIV is dangerous but as long as the child knows that they need to be careful and not to get involved in any sports etc that could cause blood transfer they would be fine.

    I agree with statement one.

  2. Those with STD's in the Roman Empire were executed in public.  

  3. Unless classes involve blood transfusions, unprotected s*x and/or sharing of hypodermic needles, I think they're probably alright attending public school.  Why they would want to is another question entirely.

  4. ha! unless your teachig a class in the "Brave New World" world, you shouldn't worry about HIV being a problem, its only sexually transmitted, and anyone smart enough should know not to have s*x with someone who is unusually arosed in their teen years -- it means they might have sexual "problems"

    P.S. ok your right, you can also get it from sharing a needle, and having, I dunno, bloody handshakes?'

    (I was too lazy to backspace that "and".)

    but the fact of the matter is, if you know you have HIV, (which they should know if your asking this question about them), you should be smart about it, don't use drugs, don't have unprotected s*x, so basically, I agree with

    1- All students, regardless of whether they suffer from HIV, should be allowed to attend public schools, because they deserve the same opportunities as everyone else, and should not be punished for something that they can do nothing about.

    Its not fair to have to go to a special school because one of your parents had unprotected s*x once in their life, I mean, if you watch out, are you really that dangous?

    Also, HIV isn't the only virus childern can have, should every sick child be privatly tutored just because their scraps and blood can be dangous? This is why nurses wear gloves by the way, if you ever notice. People Are Careful. PAC :)

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