
Philosophical Questions?

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If us humans are three dimensional and live in a 3D world, and time is the 4th dimension, doesn't that mean that time is not relevant to us and does not exist in our world???

Human beings are intelligent enough to come up with questions and theories such as parallel universes, the meaning of life, life after death, and many other things but we are not intelligent enough to truly know these things. Why is that? Why are we smart enough to know the questions but not able to know the answers? Is this some kind of curse of mankind's?

What really is good and evil? Aren't good and evil just opinions and morals, and since everybody's thoughts are different , then isn't there no true good or evil?

Some of my thoughts and questions. Maybe I just think too much.




  1. -“Time as a physical entity does not exist but we have utilized this concept to make relative comparisons of event durations to that of repetitive and reproducible naturally occurring cycles or subdivisions thereof.”

    -man has asked and answered many many questions, but it is impossible to reach a knowledge, or knowing, of absolutely everything, so i think.

    -"good and bad" or "right and wrong" is probably better ways of looking at it, but yeah you are correct, though not only is it based on opinions and morals but situations and circumstances as well.

  2. I'll answer with a question of my own;

    If a shadow of a three dimensional object is two dimensional, what is a three dimensional object a shadow of?

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