
Philosophy arguments??

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I want to write a argument assay and i need to come up with any three arguments in philosophy. Can anyone give me any examples of arguments in philosoph (3). Thanks




  1. People all over the world have the same concept in their minds about the things they come across throughout life.  The only difference is the language they use to express the concept for all things, such as love, hate, chair, etc.

    How can this be?  These concepts which we all share are called universals.  How do we ALL seem to access the same universal conceptual system?  Does this conceptual system exist?  If it doesn't really exist, then how is it that we all are able to access it?  It must, therefore exist on a metaphysical level...

  2. God is a good place to start i suppose. Free will is a BIG one i.e. does it exist or not?  

  3. Try philsophy about religion such as why atheist believe the way they do  

  4. I only have one...

    Without the presence of bad... There can be no uprising of good


  5. glass half empty or half full?

    mankind naturally evil?

    how to bring forth world peace.

    heave and h**l? real or not?

    what brings sin?

    does that help?

  6. Before your born, you don't exist, and then when you die, you go back to non-existing, so is this just an interruption of not existing?

    When you die, what changes in the universe? Is it safe to say that life is irrelevant to everything and perhaps this consciousness was just a mistake?

    If God created us in his own likeness, and man is evil, does that mean God is evil? Why does God allow sin? Is the knowledge of sin, but not the prevention of it infact a sin in itself? Is there even a God or is an all-powerful being just an ideal creation of the need of man to blindly follow in something, is that what faith is?

    Why does man question is own existence constantly? Have we been reduced that much by society that our soul purpose in life is to work five days a week in a cubical looking foward to that two days a week we have off and eventually die?

    Just some of the things I think about.

  7. If you can't anwer this question, then you don't deserve to be a philosopher.  Talk about the boundaries time and space, the difference btwn appearance and essence, the laws of newton, etc... it's a huge world out there... ask it.

  8. "My" arguments are;

    1. Why do we waste time and effort solving the chicken-and-egg problem(i would say that such games take our minds off-rest our minds from-the more difficult issues and impending crises e.g global warmimg,et al)

    2. That we dont learn from our mistakes,especially in philosophy.(This is partly because the teachers "out there" use impressive language,which,impresses us and gives them some authority,some power,which they then believe all so-called philosophers did or aimed-at).

    3. Why man Should,constantly,question his existance.(i think its because we can't spell very well;that is,we can;t "spell" the word 'criticism' very well because we are BAD learners-from-our-own mistakes.We are too ready to accept claptrap,from our so-called teachers,as i badly explained in 2. above(!) ).

    Just one example;Did no-one see and teach (us) that the massive burning of fossil fuels was so dangerous?A la "global warming".  
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