
Philosophy degree?

by Guest55763  |  earlier

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what can I do with a bachelor's degree in philosophy? I am thinking about going into that but I am not sure I want to if the possibilities aren't worth it.




  1. There are many career paths available to students who wish to study Philosophy such as the following:

    - Teaching

    - Technical writer is the field of Philosophy of Science/Ethics

    - Executive level admin and management.

    - Editing/Publishing

    - Law/Mediators

    - Public relations and journalism

    - Philosophical Counseling/Philosophical Practice.

    There are plenty of other fields to such as computers, CYCORP is one of many software companies that routinely hires Philosophy Majors.

    Even Non-profit organizations and government organizations hire philosophy majors for their experience setting policies on the environment, the arts, education, health, the sciences, and culture. Organizations such as the Red Cross, WHO, Greenpeace and NSF.

    I would also advise that once you have chosen a field or narrowed down what you are interested in then either take a minor or use your electives on courses that could also help further your understanding of this area of employment.

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