
Phils-Cards game, who wins,,,closest score gets 10 pts

by Guest64634  |  earlier

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The game just started,,,who do you think will win, give a score, the closest gets 10 pts (you have to pick the right winning team, then closest score)

My pick - Philly 7 Stl 4




  1. Cardinals 4

    Phillies 2

  2. My Cards 3

    The Phils 1

  3. Phils win 5-3

  4. hopefully card 6 phils 4

    the mets cant afford to lose ground in the east

  5. cardinals 6 over phillies 4

    so stl 6  philly 4

  6. Phillies- 4

    Cardinals- 3

  7. STL 6, PHI 3

  8. Cards-8, phillies-2

  9. Phillies 9-5

  10. Cards 6

    Phils 4

    Did you know that even though the Phillies lead their division, the Cardinals are 5 percentage points ahead of them in the overall standings.

    P.S.: Cards just scored the first run!

  11. Cards 3

    Phillies 2

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