
Phobia,Obese,Lonely i need help :[?

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I'm 21 years old from Italy and I moved to italy 5 years ago (I'm half italian btw) from germany (also half german).When i was still in Germany i was thin and all.After 2 years of being in italy,I started to get obese,I have no friends,The computer is basically my friend,I just go out to walk my dog.I dont go to school anymore and i cant find a job either,I stay on the computer till 6 am and then go to bed till afternoon round 2pm.I have a phobia of going to the store,I get panic attacks as soon as i enter the store,I'm shy and lonely.I cry alot and i really don't tell my dad about my problems,I have tried suicide a few times once i wanted to pump air into my veins.I don't know how to get my life back on track as it once was.I really want to get thin again and stop smoking,I feel like my life is worth sh*t.I'm a typical lonely girl with no friends,I'm a nice person but i just cant seem to make friends because Lots of italian people hate people who are fat.I know over the internet you cant get much help but please try to motivate me or something.I feel like I'm not happy.I have seen a psychology but they couldn't help i even normal anymore?




  1. i think you should get a clean start in a new country. nothing seems to be holding you in italy, right? so its not the place for you, move on. you speak english very well, why not move to one of the english speaking countries? very oftenforeignerss (especially from europe) are a novelty, something exciting, and very warmly accepted.

    with a fresh start you could leave your shyness behind - it can be as simple deciding to. with people who dont mind what size you are, im sure you would lose weight much easier. get a nutritionist to help and inspire you. i really believe that losing weight will do wonders for your confidence and emotional state.

    as for the loneliness, who wouldn't feel isolated in a place where you are second to the language and country(?) and your size is not socially accepted, and you cant get a job!!!!!

    you are perfectly normal. good luck

  2. Listen! Calm down! I am italian too and I will tell you something, italians stuff there faces and they certainly do not not like people who are fat! Go out and be confident in yourself. not to get to reilgious or anything but God put you on this earth for a reason. to live life. life is way to short to be pumping air into your viens! i mean just look at yourself! every person on this earth is God's creation and is beautiful, including you! who cares if your fat, i mean that is the way you are! if no one can except that the only person left is you! you have to except the fact that you don't look like a bomb-shell in one of those magazines. look at them next time they are disgustingly skinny. now go out and over come you phobia, be more confident, and live life. remember God is with you guiding you through life!  

  3. find a gym and workout 3-4 times a week. it will help with you're weight problem. also watch how much you eat. sitting on the computer won't really help if you want to become thinner.

    if you don't have any gyms there, make up your own little workout routine, you can google stuff to put it in, or just take jogs everyday. maybe walking your dog isn't enough. swimming is good too.

    i suggest you talk to your father, he may help you out.

    and maybe if you find a job you can start having more of a social life depending on what your job is.

    best of luck.

  4. That really sucks and I'm sorry to hear that.  Just so you know even skinny, pretty people feel lonely and friendless at times.  The first thing to remember is that happiness is from the inside out.  You've got inside  you all that you need to get your life as you want it and to be happy.  You can do it!  Now the hard part is how do you do it right?  Don't worry you are normal and it will be okay.  I felt this way just about a year ago, but life is so much better for me now.  It's hard to explain here what I've done.  I  just wrote a blog on how I start my day and end my day.  It took me 6 months of practicing this to get it right and do it everyday.  When I do this my day, week and life is better.  Check out what I wrote on my blog at  Also have you considered an anoynmous support group?  Like overeaters anonymous.  I used one to learn what I'm doing and like I said my life is finally good.  

    Don't give up.  they have the groups online too.  Good luck.  

  5. Is it possible for you to volunteer your time doing something in Italy?  Your panic attacks sound like Agoraphobia.  If it just happens when you go to a certain store, you're probably okay, but if you can't go anywhere without the attacks, then you're in trouble.  That's what true Agoraphobia is all about.

    The more you focus on your weight, the more you will gain.  You need to become focused on something besides your problems right now.  That's why volunteering would be good for you.  You would be helping others who are in a bad way, and meeting new people and making friends in the process.  However, if you are a victim of Agoraphobia, then you won't be able to do anything until you get that under control first.  Good luck.

  6. Ok sweety, first of all i have been where u r.....i had to learn to love myself and in learning to love myself i knew that i could make changes in my appearance........U have to love yourself enough to wanna get healthy and lose the weight because u CAN do it....u have to make up your mind and snap out of that state ur in.....I bet ur a cutie and u just need someone to tell u that u CAN do this........But as bad as I want this for u, U HAVE TO WANT IT WORSE THAN ME because if u don't it wont happen....Look in the mirror and say I LOVE MYSELF.....and keep saying it...close your eyes and imagine what u want to look like and after u have had a good cry because i know ur mad at yourself and then get to work ad make it happen, U can o it babygirl but u gott believe in yourself and u gotta KNOW u can do this....Concieve, believe acheive.....Embrace yourself....U CAN DO IT.......

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