
Phobia problem is getting worse

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ok thought i should tell you i have a severe phobia of spiders.

when iwas younger i would scream for ages over the tinest one. then i learned about tarantulas and thought all spiders were evil and were going to plot to kill me. stupid lol. anyway when i got to a teenager id get them in my room sometimes especially in the summer and i would freak out and o all shaky call my dad and shout at him to kill them. i wouldnt be able to go back into that room for atleast 2days even getting my shcool colthes would be a sturggle.

one time there wz a big one on the wall where my bedroom door was shut i was in hysterics and locked in there for 2hours because i was home alone.

now i get really paranoid and cant sleep at night, i will check the walls and floors eveery corner consatntly beofre i neter any room and befor ei sleep, it is starting to take me an hour at the VERY LEAST to get to sleep now. 4hours at the most. sometimes ill be sitting and theres shadows and i keep thinking their there, and i also sometimes see them but when i blink theres nothing there, any dirt on hole in wall and i think its one of them. im just really paranoid. ive told my parents bout the wall checking and the trouble sleeping but they dont pay much attnetion. its just a silly phobia but its kinda taking over my life in a little way well im fine during day time usually but at night i cant relax im always on edge. i cant even sleep in the dark i cant walk round at night unless theres a big light on because thye just control me.

wtf do i do??? im 16 in 8weeks time




  1. My fear of spiders are nowhere in your league but I do understand to an extent what your going through. I have always been afraid of spiders. The big ones, small ones it doesn't matter. My bedroom is in the basement of a huge house and me and my husband live down there well last winter you know how all the bugs and stuff go away or try to come into the house cause its warm inside. I kid you not I found in about a 3 day period about 6 medium sized spiders. And I told my husband if I see even one close to my bed I will never sleep down there again. Well..... about 2 or 3 days after saying that I went to go to bed and there was a smaller spider ON MY PILLOW!! NO JOKE! So naturally I fled up the stairs and told my brother n law who owns the house what was going on. So my bro n law and husband went and bought some spider bombs 2 to be exact. Not sure the names and set them off and I haven't seen a spider in almost a year. Ok I know that isn't going to solve your phobia but I think it would be a step in the right direction. I would tell your parents to get spider bombs if not purchase them yourself. They are not difficult to use just read the instructions. I really hope that helps some. But remember spiders aren't after you. Spiders are attracted to areas like in cracks, holes, underneath stuff (beds, couches etc) and they like the dark cooler places. So be sure to vaccuum  your bedroom and any other room in your home that would decrease spiders a lot too. And don't keep wrappers of food or plates of food lying around on the floor. Ok I really hope this does decrease your phobia some. You may need to tell your parents the severity of your phobia and maybe they will take you to a psychiatirst to make sure you don't have OCD. Or something like that...Ok Lots Of Luck!

  2. ok, so I am a hypochondria, - its when people are afraid of diseases and death. so this is what I do, if I have a panic attack or a scare.

    I stop and think of the logics. so for you, think what are the chances that a spider will crawl on you or crawl in your mouth or anywhere by you when you sleep. Then, think of the logics behind whether it could harm you.

    Check on the internet for the poisonous spiders where you live, look at their habitat. If your chances are low, and if its not practical that a spider could hurt you, try to take deep breaths. Think about something else. Think about your plans for the following day. anything. If you can't make progress, get checked or see a doctor. Many people are scared of things, and most of the time spiders are just ugly harmless things. Don't worry.  

  3. Well it seems to me that you're leting this phobia take control of your life. You don't want that do you? I sure hope not. Well anyway, I think you should just try and relax some more, because phobias (in my opinion) are just unnecessary stress in people's lives. Your body is just overreacting a little bit. Spiders are kinda freaky, but I wouldn't get scared of them, because they're a LOT smaller, and plus, there are bigger things in life to get scared of, you know? So, before I leave, I just want to say don't stress out your whole life over some spiders, because it's not good for you, your self-esteem, or your self-confidence. I hope this helps!

  4. Maybe learning more about spiders would help. They are extremely beneficial kill so many annoying insects and we would be overrun with them if not for spiders. I personally like them. I don't want to get bitten, but so many of them are pretty.

    The other thing you might try-(a counselor used this for my son-he is scared of storms) is look at yourself right now. Look at your arms, legs, etc. and know that you are okay. No spiders are on you now and you are just fine.

    Hope this helps some!

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