
Phoenix Arms HP25 / .25ACP in general?

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What do you think of this gun and what about the .25ACP round in general? Thanks!




  1. The only character I knew who liked the .25 acp was Ian Flemming's fictive James Bond.  But we all know that Flemming didn't know very much about guns.


  2. Phoenix firearms are noted for low price, and low quality. We stopped allowing people to bring them in for repair because when you fix one thing, something else goes wrong and the owners think it is our fault, when it is the cheap low quality firearm. As for the .25ACP? I always say that if you shoot me with a .25 and I find out about it, I'm gonna be pissed!!

    Seriously, the .25acp is almost a "contact" weapon. designed more as a ladies purse gun, or a gamblers hideout gun, to be fired from across a poker table and even then it is questionable as to performance. I guess it's better than trying to hit someone with a rock, maybe.

    I would never put my life, or a loved one's life on the line by using a .25acp.

    shoot safe

  3. It's low priced and a bit low powered compared to the rest of the junk these days, but a *lot* of stuff gets shot with that round every year and *none* of it/them have ever complained that the gun was unreliable or too low powered.

    It won't earn you too many compliments on the range....but it'll go *pop* when you pull the trigger.  Same goes for the round.  Too many "experts" these days think they know better than the folks at Colt.  The round is still around a hundred years later because it fills the bill it was designed for perfectly.

  4. If you're getting that gun for protection, your best bet would be, in case you are attacked, is to pull the gun out and throw it at your attacker.  You'll probably hurt your attacker more by doing that than the .25 would.  Not to mention, the gun is a piece of S**t!!!

  5. i would not trust this gun or round. if you have your mind set on such a small gun, you would be better off with a .22 . the round maybe a little smaller but is faster, more reliable, and much cheaper. do not carry this gun with a round in the chamber. the safety is not something to bet against a hole in your thigh. i have carried single action autos in .40 and .45 and fell very safe with condition one, with a gun you can trust. spend some extra money and get a real gun.

  6. That is a pretty low budget gun and low power round. I would tend to suggest a .22 LR Stinger over the 25 Auto.

    I would try to have you consider the 380 ACP as a minimum defensive firearm.

  7. Phoenix arms are garbo. For the same price you can get a .380 or 9mm Hi Point, 9mm f*g or even a used Star or something like that.Personnely I dont like the .25 round but to each his own.

  8. I do not like the quality of any Phoenix Arms firearm.  I also do not like Llama.  Firearms produced by these manufacturers are not worth any amount of money.

    Save up your money and buy a high quality firearm.  Believe me, it's well worth it.  You can save money by buying used.  Make sure you do the purchase and transfer through a licensed gun dealer.  (Holder of an FFL, Federal Firearms License.)

    By the way, a .22 long rifle or .380 are far better small caliber choices than the .25 ACP.

    It's worth it to take a firearms safety course.  I highly recommend it.  

    Hope this helps.

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