
Phoenix Suns going to get LeBron James or Dwayne Wade?

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This team will definitely be better than it was last year. The only problem is that the rest of the west has gotten a lot better as well. However this team will be in the mix, and could make a run if the bench and Amare step it up. Regardless though the Shaq trade was a good trade. Marion was going to opt out leaving the team with nothing and sure they might have been able to sign Josh Smith or Igudala, but that wouldn't have been guaranteed, so instead they get an overpaid Shaq for two years who can slightly help them in the present, can help with Amares development and in 2 years they get huge salary cap flexibility with Shaq, Nash, and Bell coming off the books so they can rebuild around Amare with the young pieces they already have. In two years they'll have Amare, Diaw, Barbosa, Lopez, Tucker signed. They'll extend Strawberry this year on the cheap. Resign Nash to the veteran minimum as a backup and possibly Bell depending what he's looking for. Leaving them with ~17 million to make a splash in the 2010 FA. They could trade away Barbosa to try and clear enough cap space to make a run at Lebron/Wade, or a better idea try and sign a solid starting PG, some glue pieces and possibly a rising star. The future doesn't look so bleak for Pheonix, but that's just my opinion.

what do you think?




  1. I think that sounds good, but the NBA playoffs are fixed.

  2. This guy! Did you just post your term paper? Don't fill like reading!

  3. they arent getting them

  4. You would be a good GM!

  5. What are you thinking?  First of all there is no way the Suns will be able to resign Nash for "the veteran minimum as a backup".  Guys with two MVP's don't do that, they retire as starters.  Shaq was not a good acquisition for the Suns, he is way too old and slow to play the Suns' tempo game.  He is just wasting money on the payroll.  They'll be able to sell seats with Shaq in the roster but won't win any championships.  I'm sure at some point they will make a move to bring in another superstar but it won't be James.  If he goes anywhere else I would bet it will be New York.  I'm sure the Suns will stay competitive, their owner will ensure that, but they won't be getting James or Wade anytime soon.

  6. haha well all i can say is i like the way your thinking, unfortunatly i don't know how true it will be... ive been saying it for  a while the future isnt as bad for the suns as everyone makes out.

  7. waits for the english translation...

  8. Lebron is staying in Cleveland. If you're not a fan of Cleveland you need to get over it. Your team should of sucked in 2003 to get him. They didn't, you guys missed out. Seriously, the chances of him ever coming to the Suns is ssooooo small. The only place he'd ever play in the West is LA, and thats not going to happen.

  9. Amare Stoudemire is a FA in 2010. Phoenix will probably have to offer him the max.

  10. then they would trade nash for Kobe

    and trade stoudamire for Howard

    then sign Arenas with vet minimum as their 6th man

  11. at least i'm beening real that will never happen barbosa is overrated diaw can't play with stoudemire nash is done in 2 years has a back disease that's why he's always laying on the ground instead of sitting on the bench shaq is done after this year amare is probably going to have to get another surgery lopez could be another emeka okafor which is good if healthy tucker won't be good unless he gets playing time this year

  12. I'm not reading that d**n thing you crazy ******!!!!

  13. GO PHOENIX SUNS!!!! ♥

  14. "This team will definitely be better than it was last year."

    That's when I stopped reading and likely every other person who attempted to read that huge pile of shi†.

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