
Phoenix traffic?

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Why are Phoenix drivers so aggressive? I've only been here a year so I'm wondering if driver's education here includes sections on; don't use your turn signal, tailgating and why you should and my favorite "if the m**o in front of you isn't tailgating you must take the first opportunity to get in front of him, even in stop and go traffic. It's no wonder there are multiple accidents every single freaking day. If everyone calmed down we'd get there much faster. Why isn't this obvious?




  1. Technically, it's because Phoenicians are actually more law abiding than people in other states with respect to gun laws than traffic laws.  Most drivers in southern Cal, (L.A. area) know better than to cut certain people off because lots of us carry guns in the car.

  2. I also moved here 1.5 yrs ago.driving stupid is more like from one lane to the other carelessly moving up passing several only to stop at a light then you coast on by leaving him five cars back.Light changes here he come again to do it all over again.  Let's all make signs to shoot w/ dart guns,sticks to the car sign rolls out says stupid on it cops see it more than five gives them a ticket for driving stupid.  LOOK !     One person per car on the freeways is stupid."needs a sign"Go lightly i could be behind you and then in front.You can't go faster than the lights will let you.Please slow down posted speed is not  80mph

  3. And if you carpooled, you wouldn't have to drive or be stuck in that line of cars with single drivers when you are trying to reach Phoenix from your suburb. We'd be very conscious of the other person(s) sitting in the car and try to be a model driver. But then, how many of us have actually tried to find a suitable carpool that would work?! I don't think its just Phoenix, most cities have wired up drivers.
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