
Phone call from deceased person?

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My mother in law recently went on vacation, leaving 7am. House was locked up tight while she was away, with no one inside while she was gone. She returned a few days later and checked her caller ID to see who called. It appears that HER phone number (name on the caller ID is her late husband as the phone account name is under him) is on the caller ID at 8am(after she was already on the road), as if someone from within the house called the house phone!

She tried to replicate this by calling her phone, but of course she just kept getting a busy signal and the call didn't register on the caller ID. She believes it may have been her husband, letting her know he was watching over the house for her while she was away.

Has anyone else had anything happen like this?




  1. yep my sister called ..lotsa static and a distant voice ..said my name and I love you...3 days after she died

  2. You mother might be right.

    I have heard of it happening.

    Some times there is an explaination for the delay of the messege or that the person that passed away actually made sure she got a messege.

    My mother had a pinpoint light that shown across her room every night for a year after my dad died.

  3. Keep an eye on  my next blog entry-I have one on phone calls pretty soon.

    Feel free to send me your own questions-That goes for anyone. It is a free question and answer type of blog column dedicated to the paranormal.

  4. Sorry to disappoint you..but I think it's the phone company . One time our cellphones were calling each other and the house phone. It was really weird. We were standing their watching it. One phone even called itself. We have Vonage...which connects to the computer . I don't know what cellphones they have. Just don't get your hopes up too high. Stuff like this happens...although I've heard of the spiritual side happening too. I'm  a believer...but I think this was a phone problem.

  5. Actually, oddly, I had this happen about a week ago. I answered, and got dead air. This happened four times in three days, and on the third day I realized that my daughter was dialing our own phone number and then hanging up.

    She's not quite 3 years old yet.

    Now THAT is paranormal!

    I've heard of people getting actual calls from people, but to date I can't confirm any of these even with phone company records. I've also seen no evidence that technological devices are anything but fuel for paranormal activity (that's right: electricity fuels paranormal events).

  6. Tell your-mother-in law she is right, I have heard of this before.

  7. The key word here is she believes blah blah blah..that is why such stuff is in the non-science, pseudoscience, voodoo facts , no data, BUT only belief

  8. talk to them

  9. I get a really big cell phone bill and I am sure I have not made all those calls so I think dead people might be using my phone to ring the live people or maybe they are ringing one another as well?

  10. I dont know but it seems to be a strange thing. It has happened to alot of people, skeptics would try to explain it away as a technical fault.hmmm, how come this doesnt happen other times then? If you watch the movie White Noise with Michael Keaton, there is a scene in the movie where this happens, pretty freaky.

  11. When my paternal grandmother died, way before there was anything like caller-id, I received a phone call a day or so after her death. The woman on the other end of the line sounded like my grandmother and seemed to know me. I was so shocked that I hung up the phone on her. No one called back, so I have to assume that I was mistaken and it was a wrong number. Still, I vividly remember it to this day (it has been more than thirty years), and I wonder what we might have talked about if it had been my deceased grandmother. Nothing even remotely similar has happened either before or since, unless you count one of my two bedroom windows rattling loudly (on a calm evening) soon after my mother died.

    There is some evidence that sometimes the spirits of the dead can communicate my "modulating" electronic noise, and that this can be recorded and played back. Watch the cable TV program Ghost Hunters for more details.

  12. Yes, I did have this happen to me last week.  The cell phone company was testing the phones and on the ID is my own number.  I answered it and all I got was a recording letting me know thats what they were doing.

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