
Phone phreaking?

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Phone phreaking?




  1. Phone phreaking is still alive and well.  Many have assumed (falsely) that with the latest technological innovations that phreaking is a think of the past.  Instead, phreaking has adapted to new technology incorporating things that were never possible before.  With open source software out to where you can run your own PBX out of your house, Voice over IP providers allowing do-it-yourself connections, virtually free phone service providers online, more automated systems than ever (means more systems vulnerable to exploitation) the possibilities are endless.  Another thing that the internet has brought us is social networking.  More people than ever are now on the internet and it's much easier for like minded individuals to come together.  Phreakers use this to their advantages in tasks such as phone mobbing.  

    There's a site/forum dedicated to phone phreaking at  They also have a telephone voice bridge where phreaks get together nightly at 8PM EST (UTC-5) you can call at 641-678-3404 extension 752.  In true phreak nature, they have rigged up GOOG-411 to allow free calls to the phone bridge.  Just dial 1-800-GOOG-411, for city and state say Cincinnati Ohio, and the listing is Phone Losers of America.  The system will connect your call for free from anywhere in the US or Canada.  You could also use Skype to call GOOG-411 from your computer for free anywhere in the world.  The extension is 752 which is PLA on your keypad.

  2. what?? about it??
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