
Phone question? please.?

by  |  earlier

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how do you make it look like you are calling from somewhere where you aren't. like let's say you are at a friends house when you are supposed to be at work. when you call someone how do you make it say you are at work on the caller id instead of at your friends house?

sorry if it's confusing.




  1. You can't. The CLI data is generated by the telephone exchange & without some expensive specialist kit, it can't be done.

  2. There is , get an iPhone and you can spoof call anyone i can Hack it for you hahahaha you can even fake your voice , i have so much fun doing it . I always put a pizza place as a call back number .

    TO   J G :: where on earth have you been , of course you can ! There is so much stuff out there you just have to find it or if it doesn't exist , INVENT IT ! you don't have to buy no expensive " kits " pff please . . . .

  3. u change dat numba in dat personz fone to say dat its ur work numba

  4. you can't, all you can do is block your call. Dial *67 before you dial their number and it will come up unavailable on the caller ID....and stop cheating on your man!

  5. I don't think theres a way to spoof caller id.....but you could use Voip programs from ur computer to make the caller Id display "Unknown".

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