
Phone question...?

by Guest58277  |  earlier

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I'm 19 years old, I'm having my 15 year old sister stay with me for her Winter Break. She keeps pestering me about '*67' and 'dialing 1'. So, my question is this:

When you're dialing out of state, and you're going to use *67, do you have to dial the 1 and then the rest of the 10 digit number (the area code and then the number)? I mean, does it have to look like this...

*67 1 555 555 5555 <--- example

She will not hush until this is answered, and I don't even know the answer. Someone please... help!!!




  1. I am pretty sure that&#039;s how you do it. Just test it out. Like prank call a random number out of state. Try it. I think it will work.

  2. Either *67 1 555 555 5555 or *67 555 555 5555 should work fine.  GSM phones will usually allow you to turn on and off outgoing caller ID through the menu so if you have AT&amp;T/Cingular or TMobile I&#039;d do that to be safe.

  3. yea it will look like that of just tell her to use a cell phone then it will be less numbers. ex. *67(555) 555-5555. See Easy
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