
Phones on the sidelines in nfl games?

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who do the players in nfl games talk to on those phones on the sidelines?




  1. Usually it will be a player like a Quarter Back who calls upstairs in the stadium to talk to an assistant coach like the offensive coordinator to discuss what kind of plays to run on the next series of down. A Half Back might be calling a trainer or something but usually it will be a leader on the team such as the QB or the captain of the defense.

    If you are wondering if they are calling for pizza when they get home they are not.

  2. Sometimes coaches congratulating and family members or even friends but only the players have the #'s for that phone

  3. Sometimes Eli Manning Call's up his brother

  4. It is an outside line for the players families and it is direct line to the coordinators in the booth above the field.  The calls come down or go up so the QB or the defensive captains know what to do next.  RF

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