
Phonetic rules of streesing in english?

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each word has a stress. The main and secondary one. I have to do a homework with 22 words pointing both stresses and it is very difficult to me help me as soon as possible




  1. Take a look at this site:

  2. If you're a native speaker of English, you'll find it easy to pick out the primary stresses by tapping out the words in a sentence - something known as meter.

    If the words are individual, try stressing each syllable and see which sounds most correct.

  3. A couple of points:

    1. Not all words carry primary stress - words like 'to' and 'and' are frequently unstressed.

    2. Not all longer words have secondary stress.

    That said, any half decent English dictionary will give you what you are looking for in terms of primary and secondary stress. You could try searching onlime, but if you have a hard copy, you'll find it more rewarding.

    Best of luck.

  4. CONtent - what lies inside.

    ConTENT - happy.

    DelibeRATE - verb, to consider

    deLIBerate - adjective, intentional

    EstiMATE - verb, to guess from supporting information

    ESTimate - noun, an initial costing for some work

    English uses stresses on homonyms (words that are spelt the same) to distinguish meaning. The key to good English!

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