I cannot find any literature (books, websites, references) on what it is exactly. Phoresis is greek meaing to carry or to bear.
I know what photophoresis, thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis (or diffusion) are... and there are others too.
But why use that term phoresis/phoretic?
Is because to distingush it from the fundemental forces, or is it motion due to a gradient (not sure if photophoresis fits that description),to describe moition in kinetic theory, or is just a term that is thrown around.
Most the stuff I find are just experiments and calucations of specific phoretic force... like eletricmagnetophoresis (yeah... I look if up).
I want to say there is more too it b/c alot of these seem simliar somehow.
direction to a specific book or article is prefered.