
Photo editing help please? NO PHOTOSHOP ANSWERS PLEASE!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I wanna know if anyone knows any websites that you can edit pics like I'm about to describe. Alright, you take a picture and you can see your eyes, but I wanna know how you can turn your body grey and your eyes a whole different color like a hot pink or yellow. I don't have photoshop & I'm not planning on buying it just to make pictures. That's dumb & I'm not trying to download the 30day trial AGAIN cause it didn't work the first THREE times I tried lol. But yeah, any help? Thanks in advance!! =]




  1. Here is a free idea.

    You can use photobucket.

    It's free!

    And it's just a website.

    No downloads.

    Just upload an image and in your album click edit.

    It's amazing, its just like photoshop without the shine effect and its free, and you don't download.

    I use it all the time.

    Hope I helped!

  2. Try reinstalling Windows.

  3. try snipshot

  4. Don't know a website, but The Gimp (as already mentioned) is free and rocks!  It's just as powerful as Adobe's software.  Just be prepared to dig into a learning website.  It's not child's play.  It's a real graphics editor.

    Take care,



    totally free, no trial

  6. why not download Paintshop pro 9 It is older version works just as good and is totally Free

    go to

    It is legal and none of that cracked illegal stuff

  7. use plain old MS Paint

    open your picture and click the image tab then attributes

    then click black and white. OK

    use paint tool to color in eyes

    you can even zoom in with the view tab, to get extra detailed.

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