
Photographers, i am finally ready to purchase a nice camera ($600 range) but don't know which one to get.recs?

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Photographers, i am finally ready to purchase a nice camera ($600 range) but don't know which one to get.recs?




  1. I will up the ante, you can purchase the Nikon D40 SLR with 18-55 len for $499 and 55-200 telephoto lens for $79.00 extra before Sunday, Fathers' day at any Ritz or Wolf Camera.  Thats $579 for a complete body and lens outfit!

    The Nikon D40 is the most affordable and BEST camera in the price range for entry level photographers.  Please see link below.

    They even will give you FREE photo classes (cant get that on AMAZON for ANY price!)

    Note, if you purchase electronics (or anything for that matter) via internet warehouses, yeah, you save a tax dollar or two, but, what do you do if you need service or support for your purchase?  Do you know it costs approx $225 to repair a digital camera body of this type?

  2. You can purchase a Nikon D40 with a AF-S 18-24 mm ED lens for under $470 on Amazon.

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