
Photography... ANSWER NOW! easy 10pts?

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How has photography advanced since the year 2000? I need to know how it's progressed as far as technology goes. Please be descriptive and include names of inventors, camera brands, ect.




  1. For starters it went digital.  Full frame cameras (even medium format) are offered for professionals.  Canon has the 5D which is a full frame and other high end cameras used during the Olimpics and pro events.

    However, Canon also offers prosumer cameras and in October it will release the new Canon 50D wiht a 15 mb sensor and 6.3 frames per second for $1400.00 so you dont need to be a pro to compite with the big boys.

    Digital cameras offer the speed, convenience of multiple ISO settings and insntant gratification.  You don't need to wait days to get your pictures back, spend money and find out you missed the shot...

    Good luck with your homework

  2. Sounds like you should've have waited until last minute to do your homework. You had ALL weekend and all this information is easy to find with google.

    And went digital. Go research, we aren't going to write an essay for you.

  3. from 3 megapixels now they have 8 megapixel cameras from nikon

  4. To clarify, digital cameras were already in fairly high use in 2000. Professionals started using them in about '94 (.7 megapixels). They continued to evolve, but they were definitely a presence in 2000

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