
Photography Student, What would be the best DSLR Camera Choice?

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I'm going to Purdue in Spring 2009 for Communications and Photography.

Right now I have a Canon SD1000 and it's not cutting it anymore.

Ever since I was little, I've been taking pictures. I've sold a few here and there for some big bucks.

Now here is the question:

I'm looking at either getting a Canon XTi or a Canon 40D. I've used both and the 40D feels better in my hands, I also like the display at the top so I don't have to use the LCD. (I've actually USED them, not like going to best buy and playing with them in the camera section)

I'm wondering what the better choice would be? I plan on getting a Canon 40D eventually, but should I wait and just get the XTi in the mean time?

Please don't suggest other brands of cameras unless there is some amazing reasoning I'm unfortunately close minded when it comes to camera brands.




  1. the XTi is a good camera. I have one and like it a lot.

    Canon also has a newer model the XSi that came out a few months ago. The big drawing point is that you can use the LCD as a viewfinder.

    Compare them at

    You will have to decide what is best for you but you cant go wrond with Canon or Nikon.

  2. I shoot with a Canon 30D, and absolutely love it. If I were you I would wait and get the camera you want. If a 40D is what you want, the wait will be worth it. I made the biggest mistake of my short career and passed up a 5D because I didn't want to wait. It's been years and I'm still kicking myself.

  3. Are you positive that Purdue is going to require a DSLR?  I'm somewhat unfamiliar with their Photo program.  I would try to contact the instructor or see if the Registar knows if you will be needing a digital camera or a film camera.  If not that, I would wait until the class is actually in session and ask the instructor there.

    It would be a shame for you to purchase a DSLR only to find out that you need a film camera.  I would just make sure just in case.


    Hmmm...  Okay.  Really in the long run, I would go for the camera that feels better in your hands.  I know I've returned cameras because I didn't like where the shutter speed wheel was placed or etc.  So I'd say go for the 40D.  

    Good news is that if you get a EOS Rebel T2 or an Elan 7E film camera, you'll be able to use lenses and items for both.

    I just wanted to make sure you knew you may need to buy both.  We get questions fairly often with people becoming surprised that they need to buy a film camera and angry that they bought a DSLR when they needed film.

    I personally would buy the 40D.

    Oh, and bravo on using the viewfinder!  In that position, the camera is far more stable.

  4. Get the 40D. You like it, and it is the better camera. You will be much better equipped for any assignment.

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