Question: to look beyond all the people?

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Hi all. I really enjoy photography, especially photojournalism, but whenever I go to a public event and try to take pictures, all I see are people everywhere! How do the professionals look beyond the people to find the little moments that portray the event?

Here's what I'm talking about. I went to the Vans Warped Tour recently and took pictures. Here's mine:

The other day I found this slideshow of the same event taken by a professional and they're all gorgeous! How can I learn to do this? Any tricks, advice? (and yes, I know she's a professional and I'm not, but other than that?)




  1. if you wanted to build houses like a professional builder what would you do? learn building?

    if you want to produce professional quality images, learn photography


  2. Honestly a lot of it has to do with where she was at.  She is a professional which meant that she was paid to cover the event and more than likely had a press pass, which helped her get places where the general public wouldn't be allow.  A couple of those shots looked like they were probably taken on stage, which you wouldn't have had access too.  The other thing I've learned about human nature is that when you put them in front of a camera they tend to act differently than they otherwise would, especially if they believe/think those photos are going to be seen by large groups of people.

    The other thing to consider is that she probably has a better camera than you do, which can make a huge difference.  Don't believe grab 2 disposable cameras, one polaroid and one kodax, that take the exact same pictures under the exact same conditions.  In my experience the kodax returns a much nicer quality of photo simply because the camera itself is better.  Same is true with other camera.  

    It's not all the camera but the better equipment you have the better the product turns out.

    As far as tricks, I'm still new to really be able to help with that but if your serious check around for photography classes in your area.  Thats exactly what I plan to do once I find a job and can afford to get my DSLR.

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