

by Guest45323  |  earlier

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can it be long lasting like years (a decade or so) because im told once you fix the trigger for it, it goes away... that didnt happen. i mean it doesne hurt quiet as much as it did when was younger but light still hurts.

could i have gotten a wrong diagnosis, is there anything else that can cause light sensitivity? its not cataratcs (ive had it since i was 6)

any one know. Drs said wear sunglasses, i do, but thats all he said they could help me with.




  1. Unfortunately, for many of us, photophobia is a lifelong condition. But, sunglasses aren't the only answer!

    First, see an ophthalmologist once a year. You need to have your eyes extensively examined to continuously rule out some more severe cause of photophobia.

    Second, talk your regular eye doctor about prosthetic contacts. Prosthetic contacts are contact lenses with custom-sized pupils or tinted-over pupils that will limit the amount of light entering your eye, thus making the world seem less bright. For many people with photophobia, they may allow you to function inside without sunglasses, and for very few, outside.

  2. Would you be so kind as to explain what you mean by "hurt"? Would be easier to answer the question if you could be a little more precise.
You're reading: Photophibia?

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