
Photos;; help!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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okay, this may take long.

I won a photo shoot at sears in feburary. i took it with my old friends.

now i have new friends. and i won another one. My dream is to become an actress and i went in to sears to book some headshots, then found it.

One of my new friends were with me when i won it. She knows my dreams, but i don't want to seem rude, so i asked some other friends and her to take it with me. What should i do?




  1. Tell them it serouis and that its really important and hope they understannd

  2. i dont get it...

  3. this doesn't make any sense lol

  4. yes i think if your dream is correct but your friend is a new one then sears wins a photo shoot  with heads shots

    only my opinion
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