
Photoshop 7.0 question! Help! How can i put another background behind the drawing

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Hey I've got a drawing and I want to use a different background for it. I already have the pictures (plain white, brick, anime lines like he's flying towards you) When I add a new picture and then try to fuse it, it just doesn't work! I hit the little eye button on the new background layer and it just covered up the drawing. HELP

Please give good directions I'm a beginner with photoshop!!!




  1. You've got the beginning of things. What you want to do is in the Layers palette, drag the new layer (your background) below the layer with the drawing on it. Layers are like sheets of paper with different things on them, and different transparencies. You can move the layers around just like you would move a sheet of paper in the stack.

    If the drawing now covers up the background, it's because it's got white in it as its own background. You need to remove that white. One way to do it is to select all the white and delete it (if it's a consistent white you can select it with the magic want tool).

    You can also try erasing the areas you don't need in the drawing layer to let the background show through where you need it.

    Hope that helps. I'm using a later version of Photoshop, so I don't know if all the things I could do in CS3 to help with this exist in Photoshop 7.

    One other thing, before you start trying any of this, do a SAVE AS and create a copy of your file so in case things get really messed up you can go back to the original.

  2. make another layer

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