
Photoshop CS3, digital camera?

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I have a Sony Cyber shot 12.1 mega pixel camera. I use photoshop CS3. My pictures that I take in my room end up looking orange-ish. The lighting isn't too bad in my room, but without flash it looks like c**p and reduces the detail and clearity of the picture. Is there anything I can do to fix that in any way to make it look more clear and detailed? (I know I can change the lighting with levels and curves, too)




  1. its probably the type of lighting that you have in the room  incandescent and fluorescent show up very differently with a camera

  2. Have you tried matching the white balance on your camera with the lighting in your room?  That should save you a lot of time in front of the computer

  3. I'm not sure what cybershot camera you have but what i would try to do is take white business card then place it under the flash at a 45 degree angle.reflec the flash up to the ceiling. What you will be trying to do is bouce the flash off the ceiling this should give you some nice shadows and keep all the detail.

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