
Photoshop help! Curves? levels? Color Balance?

by  |  earlier

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What's the difference between Curves, Levels, and color balance? Don't they all do the same thing? When would I use one over the other?

Can you give me a brief description of what each one does?

Thanks so much!




  1. Curves: Changes the lighting with specific hues

        At the bottom left corner, it may change a face skin tone to be brighter (pull up), posterize, or darker (pull down).

        At top right corner, it may change the background to a different if you pull it up or down (down gives you red sometimes, I believe)

        The centre line is changing the brightness sometimes.

    Levels: Changes the lighting if you pull the bar thing over (is that the Levels? Can't remember; will not open CS3 while IE +iTunes is on because totally crashes S****y computer)

    Color Balance: Changes (mid)tones to be warm or cool. Same applies on the Shadows and Highlights.

    I go:


    Color Balance


    I don't use levels because I barely find it controllable.

    Most of it comes from experimenting on photos.

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