
Photoshop....or other free photo editing program?

by Guest10809  |  earlier

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I would like to find a program that's free to download, that will allow me to crop photos I have on my computer, like take the piece of the photo I want and place that part on another background, or something to that effect. Something easy to use. Something that will allow me to do fun and creative things with my photos. Any suggestions?






  2. I use GIMP. I have yet to fully understand it, but those that do can make amazing pictures

    Picnik is just for simple editing.

  3. Use

    It is awesome! You can crop, do a ton of cool effects with the coloring, add borders, fix blemishes...and its free! All you have to do is set up an account. It is a reliable site, so it won't give you any viruses. I use it all the time.  

  4. i think you should get photoshop!, once you know how to use it, its so fun! can make your self anything, anywhere, anytime!, i think you should choose photoshop.  And the best thing is its free to download. you can search it in google, there are lotsof site where u can get it. =]

  5. Photoshop is a very advanced program which has lots of things to do: retouching, etc... Find a free photo will usually have more fun accesories. Or you can update iphoto (if you have a mac) or update your photo software.



  7. Download GIMP at

  8. Gimp


  9. picnic!! its is so easy to use and has a lot of good features, there the free version and also one you pay for.  however i use the free one and it has almost all the same options!  i definitely reccomend it, much easier than trying to use paint.

  10. Heres a way to install photoshop for free

    Just follow the instructions on the page :)

    PS. When you install this

    Whenever you are going to run it, you have to right click on it and hit "Run as administrator"

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