
Photosynthesis Help?

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List 3 reasons why photosynthesis is important.







  1. 1) It's the basis of all life, without it a stable food chain cannot be established because the food chain starts with plants.

    2) It's an extreme example of a great evolutionary trait that an organism can survive utilizing energy directly from the sun to sustain it's own existence.

    3) During the proccess of photosynthesis CO2 is converted to breathable O2, again, without it we would not exist.

  2. without it we would all die

  3. 1) Because otherwise there would have been hunting trees walking around.

    2) Why not it is cool

    3) It is free :)

  4. 1) photosynthesis helps plants to get their food i.e glucose

    2) during photosynthesis plants give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, this regulates the level of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air.

    3)because it regulates level of carbon dioxide in the air it also lowers high temperature caused by carbon dioxide as it is a greenhouse gas

    if the following r right give me best answer plz :D

  5. Photosynthesis is important in many ways

    1.Photosynthesis is directly related to life and survival of all the other living creatures on earth. It not just supplies oxygen without which breathing and being alive would be difficult, but it also supplies food and energy to all of us.

    2. The level of carbon-dioxide in the environment largely depends on the process of Photosynthesis. The process of Photosynthesis again depends on the number of plants and trees we have. Excessive increase or decrease in the level of carbon-dioxide can bring forth disastrous results on the planet earth

    3. The main product of Photosynthesis is Glucose which is the source of carbohydrates like cellulose, starches etc. The process of Photosynthesis also produces fats, proteins, water soluble sugars such as maltose and sucrose. The plants depend on this glucose for their growth and energy . And I am sure you know how important plants are for all the animals and other living organisms.

    There are many other importances as well but the major significance of Photosynthesis are included in my answer.

    hope it helps!
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